The Gentle Art of Being

God calls us to be gentle with one another; he does not want us to be harsh or unkind.

Gentleness is an important trait to God because it shows humility and a willingness to serve. It also demonstrates a caring and compassionate nature, which is essential in building relationships with others. When we are gentle with others, we are showing them the same kindness and respect that we would want to receive.

Gentleness is defined as the condition of being gentle — a mildness of temper, softness, or tenderness; freedom from roughness, soothing. 

Some translations list it as 'meekness'. Meekness does not equate to weakness, but rather quiet strength, even under pressure. The original word represents a picture of a stallion under control. I love this picture because I love horses, and it always makes me think of the Lippizaner Stallions, which are highly trained beautiful white horses.

The Bible tells us that Jesus himself was meek.

Matt. 11:29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Jesus' words).

What a soothing promise this is! Rather than being a taskmaster, Jesus reassures all who want to learn from him that he is a gentle teacher. Not bossy. Not rude, but gentle. 

Gentleness is a fruit of the Spirit and it is important to God because it is a reflection of His character.

Just like Jesus, God calls us to be gentle with one another. He does not want us to be harsh or unkind, but to show gentleness and love. When we are gentle with others, it is a picture of His goodness and mercy toward us. 

Gentleness is important to others because it is a sign of respect. It shows that we care about the other person and their feelings. 

God is a pay-it-forward person. He does something amazing and then asks us to do the same thing. The end result is always for everyone to benefit. 

When we are gentle with others, we are sending a message that we value them and their wellbeing.

Gentleness is a quality that is often lacking in today's world. There is so much violence, anger, and hatred that it is easy to become hardened and lose sight of the importance of being gentle.

Gentleness is a quality that can help us to slow down, to be more patient, and to show compassion towards others. It's a quality that can make a big difference in our relationships and in the world around us. When we are gentle with others, we create a more peaceful and loving environment for everyone.

It can be as simple as smiling at a stranger or holding the door open for someone. Small acts of kindness can make a big difference. When more people are gentle with each other, it creates a ripple effect of positivity that can change the world.

One way to be more gentle is to be more mindful of your words. Think before you speak. If you do say something that is harsh, take responsibility for your words and apologize. 

Be patient with people, and give them the benefit of the doubt. Try to see things from their perspective, and show them compassion. 

This is one simple way you can follow Jesus' example and develop this beautiful Fruit of the Spirit. 

What are some other ways you can practice the art od being gentle?

Categories: : Fruit of the Spirit, Gentleness, Meekness, relationships