The Truth About Joy

Joy is a fountain bubbling up out of the center of your being when you are rooted in Christ. It is also a weapon against the enemy.

I don't know anyone who doesn't feel they could use more joy. We are always looking to find joy, to create joyful experiences; to somehow hold onto joy in our lives. 

It is interesting that joy is a fruit of the spirit, and as such, it is something that is developed within us. Joy is not elusive; it is actually something we carry when we are in synch with Holy Spirit, and we are always invited to have more joy. 

Psalm 16:11 says, "In your presence there is fullness of joy." 

John 16:24 says, "Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy."

So often we are focused on circumstances in our lives, usually negative ones (and we have all had our share of negative circumstances to navigate). We try to problem solve, bring our petition prayers before the Lord, and hustle to try to fix whatever current dilemma we are facing. We figure once all these circumstances are fixed, we will then be in a position to experience joy.

But what if joy has nothing do do with circumstances?

What if it actually is a weapon that, when put into practice, can shift our inner reality regardless of circumstances?

I would like to propose that this is the case. That indeed, joy is a fountain bubbling up out of the center of your being when you are rooted in Christ. It is also a weapon against the enemy.

Joy is not tied to circumstances. Inexplicably, joy can be accessed and experienced in the midst of sorrow. It is a choice, yes, but it it also a gift.

Romans 15:13 says, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him". 

As we take our circumstances to God and trust him to help us with things that are beyond our own control or ability to resolve, he can fill us with joy and peace while we are still in the middle of our current dilemma if we would like to have his joy and peace.

And let's face it; sometimes we don't want joy and peace. We prefer to be upset. We choose negativity and complaining. We want to be mad about things. And God is kind in that he lets us stew and grieve for as long as we need to. And then he offers us joy again.

Because that is a choice too, and it is ours to make. 

I had the brilliant opportunity to learn how to access joy in the middle of some stressful life circumstances. As of this writing, those circumstances have not changed, but I have. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait for things to change to experience joy. I believe this is what God wants for all of us.

You can view my story here.

It is my prayer that my story sparks something in you. We are all different, and we all experience joy differently. Let your own God given creativity guide you as you find new ways to trust Him in your circumstances...and experience joy in the process.

Categories: : Equipping, Fruit of the Spirit, Mindset